Of all the content marketing "strategies", consistency is the most powerful. But just knowing that doesn't necessarily help you get it done. And help is hard to come
Don't think your background makes much of a difference in your videos?
Think again. Ever watched a video and said to yourself "OK. Just ignore the piles of books
Videos with lots of YouTube views seem to get more respect and carry more authority. The trick is getting them in the first place.
But recently it has become,
If you want to begin projecting your inner authority, but haven’t yet launched a series, you might find this approach refreshing.
I call it the Big Self, and it
You can shake a stick, you can stick a landing, but you can't make your teaching stick unless you say no to
Teleprompters are for phonies! Well, really?
Maybe they're also for those who have something to say, something they care about getting just right.
The REAL problem is how using it