How to Become a Visible Authority
Here is where business owners learn how to use video to become the trusted advisor for those people they can help.
This work pulls together a unique set of skills in video production, being on camera, writing and selling. It’s for the ones who want to do the work, and let those attracted to that work find them.
That person will then be taught how to create a path of attraction for prospective clients, allowing them to put persuasion and coercion in their rear-view mirror.
Not everyone comes to this work from the same place. So I have different ways of getting there depending on where someone is coming from.
At the links below you’ll discover what this approach could look like in your business.

The Inner Circle
Very small group bi-weekly lessons and live help on everything from lead
magnets to on-camera performance;
from technical skills like lighting,
shooting and audio, to copywriting and content marketing.
Members craft
their personal sales and marketing approach using the Hands-Off Selling System.
Registration opens twice a year.

The Advisory Program
For the business that wants to be more ready to engage their audience with video.
You will become a master of all the things that used to be technical hurdles to production, writing or being on camera, like the many issues involved with shooting perfect green screen. You enjoy complete mastery over the systems that power your shooting environment and messaging.

The Visible Authority Partnership
For the business owner ready to create a video-based platform to
more of the right kind of business.
This unique partnership combines done-for-you and done-with-you to insure that the platform remains powerfully and uniquely yours.
Got Questions to Discuss?
I set aside a few times each week to speak to those who wish to discuss how the programs mentioned above could work in their world. If you would like one of those spots, select one at the link below.