
Attraction v. Persuasion

There are sometimes amusing and frustrating consequences in not following the crowd. Recently I changed my whole opt-in process. I decided I wanted to do 5 new things


Imposter Syndrome A funny thing happens on your way to becoming an authority. A big part of you starts feeling like a fraud. “Who am I to be giving advice

Studio on a Stick

Greenscreen is so great. And the studio is so reliable and revs up so quickly. It's the very best way to broadcast authority I've ever seen. I don't

The Initiation Series

If you want a really fast car, take your time designing it. If you want to make sales fast, take your time designing a path of attraction. It's that simple

When You Need Content Ideas Fast

Of all the content marketing "strategies", consistency is the most powerful. But just knowing that doesn't necessarily help you get it done. And help is hard to come