First of all, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and/or Happy Solstice! I wanted to share something with you today from our recent 1,500 mile cross-country trip.
Why drive instead
If you're OK going through life grasping for money, this video is not for you.This is for those who understand that a life unobserved is a life wasted.
Here’s the most important question you will ever answer in your marketing: Do people have to be manipulated into doing what’s best for them?
99% of the world says
When was the last time you said to yourself “I’m almost ready now!”
Last week? Last month? Last year?
If I had to choose only one problem holding back most
A Visible Authority can’t afford to be undone by their own videos. They're supposed to demonstrate how you help someone through your inner authority, not X it out.
Sure. Video is important to your visibility. I wouldn't leave home without it.
Of course video is more than its technology. It's really YOU and that person on the
If your business focuses on attracting customers rather than persuading them to buy, you've set the stage for healthy growth and much happier customers.
To do this you only