
The Teleprompter Training


This is a free training. I just wanted to introduce what we do for people who are unfamiliar with Visible Authority.

If you follow these instructions, you will be able to read a teleprompter and never again look stiff or feel restricted in how you say what you say.

You don't even need a teleprompter to learn my method, though you will need to get one eventually to do this at your best.

I've never seen these ideas explained anywhere else, so I'll ask you to take it on faith that they do work. They've worked for me and for my clients for many years, and I know they can work for you, too.

In any case, it's all explained step-by-step in this 17-minute video.

All the steps build on one another, and if you do them all, you'll end up being really comfortable, confident and pretty awesome on camera.

On with the show!

        Action Steps

Prepare the Script
Read the Text
Integrate Voice and Body

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The Reminders

A useful infographic to keep handy after you leave.

The Practice Script

Use this to follow along during the training.

The Transcript

Because you'll want to call it back someday.

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If you have a question, ask here.  We'll be with you shortly.

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