Do you know why we keep moving restlessly from marketing tactic to tactic? It’s not because we’re looking for the “best” way to do something.

We all know there is no one “best” way to do anything. Too often it’s because we’re looking to solve a completely different kind of problem.

But it’s a strange made-up problem that leads exactly nowhere.

In this video, Steve explains it, but then, as usual, Stevie demonstrates it in a little unintentional tragicomedy.

Welcome to Video Two on what it takes to become a Visible Authority!

  • icon
    Studio on a Stick

    An entire video studio for less than $100? Yes. Quality can often be found in simplicity!

    33 replies to "The Secret of Marketing Simplicty"

    • Lucien

      Ok Steve. That was spooky. Sounds like you have been looking over my shoulder watching me. I have to admit I suffer from the shiny new object syndrome.

      BTW, if you get a chance please ask Stevie where he got his hat. I want one!

      • Steven

        Stevie’s already an affiliate at the money money money website. So he’ll sell you one! 🙂

    • Carol Chapman

      Steve, this was genius!!! I LOVE your interaction with Stevie, whose new voice is fantastic. I wonder if he should consider auditioning for this year’s Chipmunk Holiday song. I’m so impressed with the way it appears that the two of you are actually in a conversation. And, I am feeling a bit hot under the collar with how much I resonate with the Stevie character. Thanks for this lovely, hugely entertaining and fun video.

      • Steven

        Thanks, Carol! I wanted to try something more difficult than what I’ve done before, which was to require split-second timing with my relationship with Stevie or it would all fall apart.

        It took a little bit of finagling, but I’m glad to say the technique worked, with any deficiencies solely due to my performance, so I’m glad you found it amusing!

    • Nancy

      I like the new simplicity of Stevie’s appearance at the end, as a kind of “out-take.” You silly man…! 🙂

      • Steven

        Guilty as charged 🙂

    • Jenny

      Such a great video and so funny at the end! Thank you I love your message!

      • Steven

        Thank you for catching it, Jenny!

    • Dane Roubos

      Amazing Steve – entertaining and sadly all-too-true at the same time. But what does one DO when addicted to complexity? I’ve been practicing not-doing for a while now – when I catch myself “in the act.” Simplicity even seems like a possibility now …

      • Steven

        Catching yourself in the act is an excellent first step. Too many of us don’t do that.

        The second step is to look deeper at whatever strategy you’ve been using to see if there is more you can learn from it before giving up.

        In two weeks I’ll be talking about this some more. Stay tuned!

    • Mike

      Great video, Steve… And, I love watching Stevie! Someday I’ll figure out how to do that…it would be great for my videos once in a while…haha

      • Steven

        Once in a while is right! It’s certainly not required in order to make a big impact with video. I do it for fun and to stretch creatively and technically.

        But where you really make your impact is in what’s behind the fun. What kind of problem will it demonstrate that you can solve? And if a bit of humor (a spoonful of sugar) makes the medicine go down, then I say go for it.

    • Mike

      Yes, indeed…only once in a while! It would be fun in my niche (singing and performance coach) as there are certainly a number of problems to solve. (-:

      Singers and performers are often times far too serious and they need to get into the joy to excel at what they do. It’s surprising how many haven’t been taught that truth. Too much “tough love”.

      Anyway, I sure appreciate your videos and watch every one of them. I like the new brand quite a bit. Congrats on making that move….that takes some courage!

      I must say, I’m glad you brought Stevie into the new venture…a very clever and funny way to drive the point home.

      Take care!

    • Michelle Nightengale

      Love your videos Steve! Was this green screen or a physical backdrop?


      P.S. Love Stevie! That cracks me up. 🙂 You do humor so well. (I’m terrible at it.)

      • Steven

        You can always know that whenever Stevie shows up with me together, we’re both using greenscreen. 🙂

    • Consuelo Davis Davis

      Hi Steve.
      It has been a while since I have seen your videos and that is because I recover from ( S O S) Syndrome
      However I am on my way to be a service to my tribe and I thank you for your great content to keep me on target and I love your Teaching Style

    • Brian Fleming

      Amen, Steve. Bring it! — I am surrounded by Stevies when I look in the mirror. I have lost major business by making them more complicated then they needed to be.

      • Steven Washer

        I can relate, Brian…
        “Clowns to the left of me, Stevies to the right…here I am!”

    • Daniel Vogler

      Once again. Thanks Steve for just the most excellent content and presentation and genuine authenticity.
      Of the many emails I receive I always hold on to yours as I KNOW they will contain something profound about video, marketing, sound and many other great tools for using in online video.
      Your ability to put the presentation into around a minute is so convenient. Thats only one of the good reasons I view your work.
      Well done mate.
      Dan Vogler
      Dalby Queensland Australia

      • Steven Washer

        Thank you, Dan. Happy to know this is helpful!

    • Rodney Ackermann

      I opened your email “accidentally” – was actually looking for something else.
      Amazing how life works!

      The timing of this pillar in my Inbox was perfect Steve.

      I had put today aside to work on my marketing. I would have ended up doing exactly what you described. Moving from this gizmo to the next gizmo. Spending money and not earning money.

      Thank you, thank you.

      Today’s agenda has been revised!

      PS: I also have a “Coaching” folder ….

    • Mike

      Hey Steve,
      Great video and message – as usual! You always have such an enlightened way of approaching things that I really resonate with. Thanks again, Mike

    • Jay Creighton

      Hello again, Steve. I’ve seen this video before, when I first learned about you and your services. Each time I view it, I come away with something new and USEFUL. Thank you. I am very happy to have met someone else who appreciates and values simplicity. I’ve spent 25 years trying to explain the concepts of the area of law in which I practice in such a way that any adult who takes just a moment to listen can learn from. You’ve helped me do this already and, each time I see one of your videos, I understand why you are the VISIBLE AUTHORITY in my opinion. Thank you, sir.

      • Steven Washer

        You’re very kind, Jay. When I see your videos, your authority speaks. I just wish I could take some credit for it, but it’s all you!

    • Cameron Todd

      Great ideas! I love the simplicity!

    • Cameron Todd

      Fantastic ideas in this video.

    • Peter Wallman

      Great Simple video to match the message – thank you

    • Meral Ibrahim

      WOW. I love your Stevie character. It actually triggered an idea that I would never have thought of. I could have a Mary Poppins character as part of my intro. or thumbnail or end card. (yes, these have become a part of my daily use of new vocabulary since researching YouTube video-making),. Since I am from England this could be my ‘buddy’ in my videos. You know, ‘Just A Spoonful of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down’. Do you think this would work or is it getting into that ‘silly stuff’ content? Your authority will be greatly appreciated.

      • Steven Washer

        I would never make a blanket statement regarding content ideas on anyone’s business about which I knew very little.
        I would say that if the idea resonates with you, there’s probably a reason for it. 🙂

    • Mululu X

      This is great presentation skills. Keep up blazing the trail for us. You are a servant that we see as a master.

    • Neil Morecraft

      I’ve been struggling with whiz-bang video overwhelm for about, erm, 10 years…..and that’s too long right?

      Anyway, I now I feel like with a bit of simple guidance I can deliver exactly the message that’s been locked up inside of me for so long and finally serve my audience in the way that they deserve, and expect. It’s all starting to make sense 🙂

      Steven, it’s clear you’re an absolute authority on this subject so I, for one, can’t wait to get working with you both.

      Hopefully sooner rather than later.

      I look forward to our call….

    • Vickie wilder

      you are so relaxed, clear speaking, and so wonderful in all your videos I’m still struggling were you this great when you started? How did you get so great on videos?

      • Steven Washer

        I had some performance arts training when I was younger, but that only encouraged me to think I knew something about being on-camera. I knew nothing. This is a completely different medium so I had to relearn everything and eventually, years later, created a course for others to follow in similar footsteps. And here we are. All you need is desire and the willingness to try new ways of approaching familiar problems.

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