The Green Screen Jump Start Course

A brief yet comprehensive training in creating outstanding green screen work

Novice or expert, you'll find something here to give you a noticeable upgrade to all your green screen videos.

About This Course

I've been teaching green screen techniques since 2013. In that time I've sent a lot of information out into the world. Occasionally one of those videos thoroughly nails a certain problem in the exact way a lot of people need it. But other than a YouTube playlist it has nowhere to live.

Also during that time I've created paid courses. Some of this material currently appears in a course purchased by over 60,000 happy video apprentices! But now that I've shifted my business model from selling courses to working with clients, most of that material has no home.

That's why you're seeing this unusual collection of video lessons, even a few from when my hair was dark! The good news is that every one of them covers a specific topic in a timeless way, then leads naturally into the next topic. In some cases they're just as they appeared when I originally created them. In some cases they have been lightly edited to keep them relevant in this new context.

By the way, you can take the whole course and never leave this page. Everything you need is right here.

Now that this course exists, we can add to it when new questions come up. Feel free to add yours in the form below!

Set Up the Shoot

Getting all the parts in place

Small Room Green Screen Theory

Small Room Greenscreen Basics

Green Screen Settings for the Small Room

Small Room Greenscreen Settings

The Perfect Green Screen Camera

The Perfect Green Screen Camera

Smallest Room Green Screen Setup

The Smallest Room Green Screen Setup

Cut Out the Green

Cutting the Green In Premiere Pro

Cut the green in Premiere Pro

Cutting the Green in Sony Vegas

Cut the green in Sony Vegas

Cut the green in Pinnacle

Cutting the Green Out in iMovie

Cut the green in iMovie

Cutting Out the Green in Final Cut Pro

Cut the green in Final Cut Pro

Refine Your Result

Cutting out stray objects

Wiping Out the Green Fringe

Wiping out the green fringe

Eliminating the Green Cast

Eliminating the Green Cast

The Power of Backgrounds for Green Screen

Finishing touch - the background

New Plug-Ins For Awesome Green Screens

Best plugins for 2024

Course Objectives

Setting Up the Studio
Setting Lights and Camera 
Cutting Out the Green
Solving Keying Problems 

Your Instructor

Steve Washer

I've made just about all the mistakes you can make using green screen. That's why this may just be the best course, free or paid, you're likely to find anywhere. It's real world green screen with amazing results.

May it make you a green screen master.

Got a Question or Suggestion?

Here's the place to add it.

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The Green Screen Jump Start Course

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