In the world of business, the gold standard is instant. Instant money, fame, prestige and other ego-massaging, time-based delights.
But there’s another kind of instant result that can launch your business, turn it around, or take it in a new highly profitable direction.
This result is 100% under your control. There aren’t many things in life that offer that kind of outcome.
Let’s look at the new “Gold Standard”.
3 replies to "How to Get Instant Results"
Excellent, excellent, excellent video, Steve. When we next speak, I will ask about the live background, which looked great, by the way. But, back to the content: the main point you make in this video is so patently obvious that it often eludes even those of us with advanced degrees and years of experience in our field. STOP DIGGING YOURSELF INTO A HOLE! I have taken your Mother’s advice and stopped digging. And I’m having a lot of fun! Thank you, again, my friend and mentor.
Glad Mom’s advice worked for you, too! 🙂
Mom wisdom doesn’t get a lot of notice these days.
Sound in this video is not pleasing to my ears.
I checked with other sound sources.
In comparison, yours was not so good.
What happened?
My system shortcomings?