Without a system you’re flying by the seat of your pants. That’s cool if you’ve got a well-developed pants seat, but most of us mere mortals need a little help.
Enter the video marketing system, or rather systems.
Specifically 4 of them. They’re all critical, and they all make your life a dreamscape.
Without them, quite frankly, it’s super-fun for a little while, then it’s a hellscape.
A system seeds that ugly wilderness with a kind of soft turf you can run through in your bare feet.
A video marketing endless summer.
And all because you set your audio level to your camera?
Not quite. But you’re getting there…
If you want the whole story, here’s a free one-sheet download that will help you close the gaps.
2 replies to "The Unbearable Lightness of Systems"
I appreciate your videos. I’m trying to use some of the wisdom in your videos to help me promote by new book “Waiting is Not an Option”. Do you have any specific insights on how to promote a new and important nonfiction book? Thanks for what you do. Dick Rauscher
Video teasers can be a great way to raise interest. Depending on the audience, choose a social media channel and make one minute videos in a square format with a heading and captions and link to the book on Amazon or other reseller. Good luck!